Thursday, September 13, 2012

Birthdays and Big Boy Beds

We had such a fun time celebrating Calvin's birthday with family and friends.  Last year, I made such a big deal out of his birthday.  It wasn't anything huge or fancy, but we invited a ton of people and I fed them all...big mistake...don't feed people!  It was such a special time, but I spent the entire day up until the party completely stressed out, baking a cake and making 80+ homemade tortillas for a taco bar. 

This year, I wanted low key.  Besides, birthday parties at this age are more for the parents than they are for the kids, right?  Calvin won't remember if there were decorations, or what the cake tasted like, or any of the details that I let myself get stressed out about.  So this year, we did cupcakes in the park with family and some close friends.  Everyone brought their own picnic dinner and we had a great time chatting, laughing, and watching the kids play. 

Why is there a candle in my pancake??
Cal LOVES the splash park! 
Enjoying his birthday cupcake...and he now thinks everything that comes out of a muffin tin is birthday cake :) 
With Grandma E
With daddy and Papa K
Our little family
And in other news at the Eschbach home...Calvin is in a big boy bed!!  I was a little nervous about the transition, but we wanted to have him good and settled before the baby comes.  He'll be sharing a room with his little sister once she's a decent night sleeper.  He has never tried climbing out of his crib, to my great surprise, but we didn't want to have two cribs, so the transition was made.  He has done great!  He was so excited to "help" daddy build it, and sleeps like a champ in it!  He has been waking up earlier, and either starts shouting for us, or pounding on his door.  But through the night has been great!  I did shed a tear or two as I was tucking him in the first night...babies don't sleep in beds, big boys do...where did my baby go??

SOOO Excited!!
As of tomorrow, I am 34 weeks along with baby girl!  Crazy how fast time has flown, but we are starting to feel more and more prepared.  I feel as though I am going to be much better prepared this time.  Not just in the baby department, but with house cleaning, meal prep, things like that.  With Calvin,  I was working full time until a few weeks before he was born.  So while I did a lot around the house, homemaking wasn't my "job", like it is now.  I am loving getting freezer meals ready, working on some canning, and getting to sew some of my own projects.  It has been a very different experience, and we just can't wait to meet our little girl in a matter of weeks!!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Our sweet little boy turned two last week, but today is birthday party day!  We'll be gathering with family and friends at Calvin's (and my) favorite park to celebrate.  Hopefully I'll remember to take some pictures and will share some of the fun :) 

Can't believe this sweet, smiley boy is two already!  The years have flown by and he has just been the joy of our lives.  He makes us laugh constantly and is so loving.  We are so excited to watch him welcome his new sister into our lives in just a few weeks.  He is going to be such a good helper, entertainer, and protector of his "tiny". 

We love you sweet boy!!