Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Perfect Design

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful."  Psalm 139:13

Watching our little boy grow has me utterly convinced that God designed us perfectly...better than any of us could have done.  Watching my belly grow as he developed from the size of a pumpkin seed to an 8 pound, 1 ounce bundle of joy, and now watching him transition from a baby to a little boy.  Amazing!  Each stage is amazing and leaves me in awe of God's perfect plan.  Take eating for example...I am so thankful God saved us from the embarrassment of learning how to eat at any stage of life other than babyhood.  At what other stage could it be adorable to allow food to dribble down your face, all over your clothes.  I mean, we even take pictures of it!   

How cute is he??  :)

Can you imagine as a 25 year old, sitting in a restaurant, and every spoonful of food you put into your mouth, you push out with your tongue and let it dribble down your chin?  Not so adorable...I don't think anyone would be taking pictures :)

And take teething!  Lord, thank you for including teething in our lives at such an early age, so we don't remember it.  It just seems miserable!  I keep telling Calvin that daddy and I went through the same thing and we don't remember any of it.  I'm pretty sure he hears me, but I'm not sure he understands :)  You can all be praying for us as we go through this stage :) 

Thank you, Lord, for the way you perfectly designed each one of us.  We can't wait to watch our little boy continue to develop into who You want him to be! 

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