Friday, August 12, 2011


This week, some friends of ours, Sarah and Soren, came to visit from Salem, OR.  Sarah and I were roommates in college, and even though it was only for a semester, it felt like much longer (in a good way!).  We were "Sarah Squared" and had SO MUCH FUN TOGETHER!!  We were even trying to remember if we'd ever argued or been mad at each other, and we couldn't remember any!  Now, I'm sure there were a few disagreements, but the fun we had obviously outweighed the challenges :)  It is so refreshing and fun to reunite with friends from a different part of your life.  We had so much fun catching up, and it was a joy for them to get to know Jake better (they approved!) and meet Calvin.  We enjoyed a fun trip out to Deception Pass (our family favorite) and Sarah took some great pictures.  We had so much fun with them and we're going to try and not let it go so long between visits!

"Sarah Squared"...together again!!

Sarah captured so many great smiles..Calvin LOVED her!!

This boy loves the beach!


  1. Ahh... we made a blog post! We had so much fun! :) Oh, and by the way, this week I found some random paperwork from college and about a million encouragement cards from you. Apparently we must have had one pseudofight as you apologized for "being flaky" after I apparently had called you that. Wow... the drama. :) FYI you are not flaky, I must have been confused with me!
